Okay, I don't have much to post. Ha ha. Things have been PRETTY hectic around here this past month!
I have....
gone to california
been to a miranda sings concert
applied for my first "real" job
been asked to work for the applied "real" job
accepted the "real" job and start on the twenty-first
ever so sadly gave my two weeks for my nanny "job"
found my dear friend courtney to nanny for my little girls once I go
jacob has decided to extend one more transfer so we're back to 5 months (but i'm really happy about it)
stopped drinking soda
spent a lot of time on pintrest
signed up for a four week gym boot camp starting on the twenty-fifth
been to the bean museum twice
gained a new love for visiting teaching, and already been for february--I LOVE visiting teaching
been reassigned from sunbeams to CTR six and seven
not watched the Super Bowl
received letters
found a way to get every item out of my closet and onto my floor
anyway, you get the point. busy busy busy. but i'm going to recommit to this blog starting now! so look here for regular updates! i'll be posting pictures from my trip soon, and expect to see a post about my last few days with the little ones. boy am i going to miss that job. but it's okay, i'm still going to watch them on the weekends and holidays, so it's not a goodbye... thankfully.
If your a pintrest addict these next few pictures may not be anything new. But I thought they were pretty funny and gave me a pretty good laugh.

i hope you are all doing well and having lovely days!
.......and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade! :)