Friday, April 13, 2012


Okay so everyone should just know that the universal symbol for "Livi is stressed" is when I don't blog. Ha ha ha.

It has been a crazy last couple of weeks. Instead of going into detail about work, lets just say it is kicking my trash. I had no clue what I was truly getting myself into, until now. Ha ha. I also just made it into a musical, that is going to be running Jun 2-11. And the fact that my character has a french accent doesn't not help the stress level too much. (For all of you that know me well, know that accents are not my forte... If a man was pointing a gun at my head and asked me to do any kind of an accent straight for 10 seconds, I would get shot. I'm not just being humble. Haha.)

So my days go a little like this: 8:30am-5pm work. 5pm-7:30-ish rehearsal, but by that time I get home, it's 8. Then I eat, go to sleep, and start all over again. My days these last couple of weeks, have usually ENDED in tears, and started in them as well.

Doesn't that sound great??? There were a few times the last couple of weeks I just wanted to give up and leave work. It was REALLY really stressful. But of course I would never do that, so I just stuck it out.

I read a really good quote by President Thomas S Monson, "Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, "I'll try again tomorrow"". I think that pertains to my life quite accurately right now. A good portion of those tears came while I was on my knees, because after all, as President Monson says, "Man stands tallest when on his knees". And it also seemed like every scripture I read was something to the effect of, "I can do all things through Christ". I can whole heartedly say, they only way I am still alive today is because I relied on the Lord. Ha ha ha. It is truly the only way TO make it out of weeks like what I just went through. I would actually not mind at all if I never had to repeat this last few weeks ever again.

I LOVE TRIALS! Haha. I feel like they are mini reality checks, that make you realize what you need to do to change your life to make it better. And those things always end up being the little things. Like reading the scriptures, reading conference quotes, and some things are as easy as remembering to smile.

So I am going to thoroughly enjoy every minute of this weekend. Because the wonderful thing is, tomorrow is another day and I never have to go back to yesterday. P.S. Weekends are like heaven when you work full time, plus there are exciting things happening this weekend. Some SO exciting I can't post on the world wide web... yet. :)

Now pardon me while I go start a new sewing project! Now with work and the show, I don't have much time to finish it by it's deadline! What is my project you might ask?? All I'm going to say is it has to do with tie's, name tags, and the deadline is a holiday. :) Can you guess?? :) Just 11.5 weeks!

Have a wonderful weekend, and don't forget to smile! :)
.....................and THAT'S a sip of Livi's lemonade! :)

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