WOW I AM SO SORRY! I have been slacking BIG time on this blog. I apologize. But I've made a vow to never go this long without posting. So here we go!

The Lemon
Well because of our weather, we have been getting a lot of friendly pests. Sometimes, They are a little TOO friendly. Last night while I was on the couch watching a movie with my friend, a saw something on my pillow that was moving, I thought it was a fly so I sort of swatted it, but then i realized that instead of just flying away, it CRAWLED BEHIND MY PILLOW! I then jumped up because I knew that only meant one thing... SPIDER! So I grabbed my pillow and chucked it on the floor and watched it craw underneath our kitchen table. I ran and got a shoe and smacked it. After my friend and I laughing about the freak out I had just had, I looked at the spider and realized it was about 2 inches in diameter. This thing was HUGE!
After thinking about it for a while, I figured that bugs have the most well fit name because all they do is "Bug" you. I mean lets look at flies. The only thing you can do to get rid of the nasty things is kill them. Although I love butterflies, ladybugs, dragon flies, and those kind of bugs, so I think you know which bugs I don't like, the bugs that "BUG" you. (Wow, bug was used a lot in that sentence. ha ha)
The Lemonade
Well I've been thinking about it.... and.... I honestly have no clue what the Lemonade is in bugs. I mean there is the whole cycle thing, and that means frogs get food, and anteaters, but that's about the only Lemonade there is to bugs..... and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade!
P.S. That doesn't mean I don't like the movies, Charlotte's web, and bugs life. :)
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