Sunday, November 13, 2011


Yes, you read right...


I don't know what it's been, but I think that I, along with my very sweet and patient mother, can attest that I can indeed fall under this title... and have been classified as such, for about...
12 days now. Ha ha.

I think it might be because on November 24, it'll be exactly a year ago (on that day) that my best friend of 2 years held my hand for the very first time. So I guess this month is just a walk down memory lane... where it all started... where my life completely changed for the best, and I became happier than I EVER imagined I could EVER be. So how could I not be trunkie? My poor amazing mother has patiently sat and listened while we've had our late night talks as I melt down, cry, and feel like the day will never come that I get to see him again. Trust me, this is truly an endeavor.

Anyway, as I was reading up on all my friends blog, my dear friend Marissa posted a video on her blog. Let me tell you... cutest video EVER. Tears rolling down my face... even for 5 minutes after the video was over. Watch this, but make sure you get some tissues first.

Is that not the cutest and sweetest video you've ever seen?? Sigh... I've watched it about... 5 times, and have cried. every time. Ha ha. 
OH how I miss my boy...

Also on November 24, from what Jacob has been saying in his letters, will be the day that I can say Jacob will be home in SIX months!!!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? six. months.

Some days I think 6 months feels like an eternity... but then I look back and honestly, these next 6 months are going to FLY by!!! I mean it's already been 10 months since I saw him last, 6 is a piece of CAKE! I can do this! I remember February 1st like it was yesterday... honestly... 6 months is so so so so soon.

Anyway, that's just a little bit of what's going on right now.. I think I may just be trunkie this entire month... nope... I'm positive I will be. Ha ha. But it's okay. :) Six months. :) :) I can do it. :)
....... and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade! :)

see you in six elder :)


  1. Ah, I'm pretty sure I've watched that video about 6 times today. I'm glad you liked it too! :)

  2. Is that a picture from the day we ambushed you with snowballs while you were cunoodling?? Aw...6 months will come fast! Especially since the next 2 always fly by with the holidays :)

  3. Wow Liv. I absolutely loved that I'm trunkie haha great
