Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kids say the Darndest things part dos.

So this weekend we went down to my Nieces and Nephew's dance concert in St George and it didn't get over until 10 o'clock last night. My sister needed to be home to sing in church this morning so we got in the car right after it was over and got home about 2 o'clock this morning. We have 9 o'clock church... ha ha. Lets just say, it was semi hard to wake up this morning to get to church. But I am SO glad I did.
Here is why:

Today in primary, I was sitting by the same boy that I wrote about a few weeks ago. Once again he was being a bit rowdy so I put my arm around him to keep from turning around. We were having singing time and were in the process of singing about being with our families forever and loving and honoring our family. He then grabbed my hand that was attached the the arm that was around him, and kissed it and then turned to me and said, "You're my sister huh! When we go to Heaven we're all going to be one big family and you're going to be my sister!" I then said, "You're right! And you'll be my brother!" Then he hugged me and said, "I'm excited for that, I love you". {Insert my melting heart} Is He not the SWEETEST!?

THEN when we were in class, we talked about things we treasured, and that we need to treasure the scriptures, our families, the stories of Jesus, the blessings of being baptized, etc. We had a little project that  entailed them cutting out a treasure chest and then also the jewels that had things we need to treasure, and they put the jewels in the chest once it was complete. Half way through them starting the project, he looked up to me with a big smile on his face and said, "You're one of my treasures.". Yup, my heart was pretty much complete goo by this point. I love that little boy!

I'm SO grateful for my calling! A little while back I wasn't so sure because I wanted to be in Relief Society learning things every week instead of being the teacher. But little did I know I would learn way more than I thought I would be from these little kids every week. They are the cutest. I love being around their sweet little spirits and learning about the "gospitle" and the "Conmandnaments" every week. Once again, Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need and when we need it. :)

Hope you're all having a fabulous Sunday! :)................... and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade! :)

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