Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today has been a crazy day. It started at 4:30am when my parents were roaming about the house and out the door at 4:45am to get to the hospital for my dad's heart surgery. Because my body hates me, once they shut the door, I was completely awake. So I went down stairs, got some breakfast, and watched "Boy Meets World" on TV. By 6:30 it was time to get ready and head to school. On the drive out to MATC I was starting to get a little tired. When I got into class I couldn't focus at all. So I took a test and received a text from my mom updating us on the surgery, and decided to leave and go meet my mom at the hospital where we would wait for my dad to come out of surgery.It was a surgery that hasn't really been performed very much, and it's a tricky procedure. Luckily my dad's surgeon is the best heart surgeon in the world (so we've been told, and so far it's proven to be true :))

On my drive over there, at a stop light I looked down
at a tiny notebook that I keep in my car.
It's a notebook that I got in seminary that has entries from most of my friends. For some reason I grabbed it and picked it up. As I flipped through the pages there was one random entry in the middle of all of these blank pages, totally out of place.

I quickly flipped back to that page and smiled as tears came to my eyes.

It said, "Miracles happen. Expect them. And if you ever doubt that they do, remember that you were one of mine.
Love, Jacob Parmley".

I have no idea when he wrote this, but I am so grateful that it wasn't until today that I found it. It's amazing to me how even though it was written probably 9 months ago, it wasn't meant for me to find until today. My heart is full, and I am VERY grateful for promptings of the spirit, modern medicine,
wonderful amazing inspired doctors, and tender mercies. :)

Everything went fine with my dad's surgery and he is now recovering. My mom and I will probably only venture out of this room about two times the rest of the day, so don't be surprised if there is more than one post today. ;) So today, I challenge you to notice the tender mercies in your life and write them down. I promise you that there will be more than you think they are.
:)................ and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade! :)

love you all :)

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