Sunday, May 29, 2011

The month of May-hem!

Okay so maybe it took just a little longer than I thought, but I'm back! The reason why I was gone is because I agreed to be in a musical at CVJH for their banquet show. We only had two weeks till show time. That was including learning the music, the dances, and memorizing all of the lines. So that is why I had to stay completely away from the computer and just devote my time to the musical. It was a VERY VERY stressful week, but thankfully, we did it! (and it's done... haha)

This month was a CRAZY month! Not only was I in this musical, I also choreographed and performed in a dance for my old ballroom team at OHS. It was so fun to be able to perform again! Even though it wasn't the same school I performed at, it still brought back memories! So lets just say, I am very grateful that after Tuesday, this month will be OVER and it will officially be summer!! I'll be graduating the end of June, and then finishing up my internship in September! I've been giving it some thought and I also think I'm going to be going back and doing the Pharmacy Tech program. It would take me from August until December and it's night school so I can still hold my job doing Medical Office Administration, so we'll see how that goes!

But besides all the craziness this month, there were just a few things that got me through it, and I thought I would share them with you. :)

1. Fish-- My best friend Kristy just sent her boyfriend off on a mission to Ohio this month so she and I have been hanging out LOTS. One night we were sitting in her room and I was watching her fish. She has a 10 gallon tank, and a 2.5 gallon tank in her room. For some reason they mesmerized me and made me feel so calm! So what did I do? I went to Petsmart and Animal Ark. Next thing I know, I'm an owner of a 2.5 gallon tank with 6 fish! It sounds kinda weird, but I love them all! I would lay on my bed and just watch them swim around in my tank at night and it would make me not feel as stressed and I'd fall asleep! I LOVE my fish!

you can see 4 of them in this picture, the other two are hiding in the tower. :)
2.Being with my mom-- My mom and I are best friends. Some people think we are sisters because of the way we act. It is seriously the best. When we do stuff together we just laugh and laugh. It's the best therapy in the world just being with her! Yesterday we drove up to Bountiful to take my Grandma to my Grandpa's grave to put flowers on it and I had SO much fun! We just laughed and talked the entire time! I love my mom. :)

3. Nannying-- I seriously LOVE my job. For safety purposes, I'm just going to say T & E. There are 4 girls, but 2 of them are in elementary and I babysit from 10:30 until 2:30 so I only have T & E during that time. They make me so happy! Haha. When ever I see T with her curly brown hair and bright blue eyes I can't help but smile! She is SO funny! She's just learning how to talk and when ever she wants to get my attention she'll say, "We-ee" (Livi) and she says it so excitedly and had the BIGGEST grin on her face. I LOVE IT! Then E and T and I will just sit and watch Elmo on the couch and have tickle fights and laugh our heads off. Even when we made cookies and T accidentally dropped sugar... everywhere... I laughed and loved it! I love the messes little kids make, most people hate the clean up, but you've got to just let kids be kids! They are so cute and say the darnedest things. One time when E and I were sitting on the couch, she looked up at me and said, "I love you... Miss Hanigan!". Seriously, so cute huh! Haha. Even though I don't know how I like being related to Miss Hanigan (from Annie) I still just loved it. I just love them. Haha. Every day is a new adventure and everyday they make me happy. I love my job!

4.YouTube-- Kinda random, I know, but if you've ever watched Miranda Sings, or Glozell, you'll know what I mean. They both have channels on YouTube and they're just SO funny to watch! Glozell tells stories, and Miranda, you guessed it, Sings. They're both comedians and you can't not laugh when you watch them. But one thing that I loved about YouTube yesterday, I just decided to type in Jacob's name not really thinking I'd find anything.... but I was WRONG! Some wonderful person recorded Jacob singing "Hardest Part of Love" when we were in the musical "Children of Eden", and posted it on Youtube! The first time I ever heard him sing this song I cried, partly because of my recent break up, but because Jacob's voice is amazing and he did SO good! That honestly was a HARD day. I was already on the verge of tears but when Jacob opened his mouth and sang this song, the flood gates broke loose and I sobbed. Right after he sang, thankfully rehearsal was over. Jacob saw me crying and he and Tiana took me out to ice cream. Haha. He and I were honestly BEST friends I tell you! We were ALWAYS there for each other! Anyway, I cried when I found it and just loved my life ever since. I'm not going to openly admit to how many times I've listened to it on YouTube, haha, but just know, I've listened to it it quite a bit... haha. I love it.
This was after "Once Upon a Mattress" I couldn't really find a "Children of Eden" picture, but this works!
5.LETTERS-- of course. :) For some reason, none of my letters came on Friday this month! Until 2 days ago, but that was when the chaos was all over with! Haha. HE IS DOING SO GOOD! I love hearing from him! He is amazing! I stand in awe at how wonderful he is everytime I get a letter. But letters seriously make my week, every week! I just sorta kinda love that boy... a lot. :)

6. Spyder-- Seriously, anytime I was just about to my breaking point I'd go into my dad and say ready for a ride? And five minutes later we would be on the road! With the warmer weather we've been doing canyon rides a little more and I LOVE IT! I am so grateful to live where I do! I love being able to go up the canyon and just take in the beauty of it all! There is something about riding on the Spyder and being able to not be in a car and just take in the wonderful nature! Our world is so beautiful and I LOVE the mountains! I need to take a camera on one of our rides sometime. I seriously am amazed at how different it is than driving in a car. It's beautiful. I love it!

7. Photo shoot-- My bff Kristy that I mentioned earlier, is a photographer and she wanted to take some pictures so Ciarah, Kristy and I went in the canyon and had a photo shoot! I'm really excited to show them all to you! She's not done editing them yet, but when she is, I'll give you the link to her blog so you can view them. It was so fun!

8. Temple & Scriptures-- I'm still going to the temple once a week, and in 4 weeks it will mark one year of me going to the temple every single week. I know that it is blessing my life and it is just a peaceful place to go. I love being there and being able to feel of the spirit. It brings me such comfort, it's the most wonderful place on earth! A Heaven on earth. :) Also reading my scriptures is a great comfort as well. They are filled with the most wonderful things. I love reading them. You can learn SO much from them! This gospel is amazing isn't it!?

So amidst the chaos, this month really was a wonderful one. Even though I'm not a big fan of stress, I grew so much this month. I'm so grateful for trials, they make us so much more stronger, and closer to our Heavenly Father, I'm so grateful for this gospel, and families. It really is amazing! So on this Sunday, even though it looks like it may be a rainy one, don't take it for granted. We are so blessed! Take some time and write down the things you're grateful for, visit family, serve a neighbor, or make cookies for someone. Make this last Sunday in MAY a memorable one................ and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow wow wow... is Kristy's boyfriend Jacob Thayne by any chance? Okay, I know that's really weird, I just know his younger brother, Alex! Haha. And I LOVE your new background and header.. so cute!
