Tuesday, May 31, 2011


OKAY, so lets pretend it's December 31st. It's about 6 o'clock at night and your with your family and friends getting ready to celebrate the new year. As time gets closer you decide that you want to join the phenomena of creating one, or more New Year Resolutions. You go crazy and think about as many things as humanly possible that you would like to improve on and write them all down in hopes to complete all of them. The clock strikes midnight and you are determined to be that person you just described on those 1+ sheets of notebook paper.

Now lets skip forward in time. It's May 31st, it's been six months since you've created that list. You think to yourself, "I am doing the exact same things I was doing last year. Didn't I make a list of New Years Resolutions? It must be some where." You then go to your room and search through EVERYTHING and to your surprise--but not really-- that paper that once held all of your goals has vanished into thin air. Now, considering I am not in the same room as you right at this moment, you don't have to confess that this, indeed, is you. But if you're not guilty of this, then go you! I sincerely applaud you, for I have not learned the art of making and maintaining a goal.

 I tried to think of what some of my goals were that I made, and realized that there was no reward to go with them. There is only one that I have kept, and that was the only one that I could see the reward! I've come to the realization, it is easier to create a goal if you can see how it's going to benefit you in the end. Am I right? (this is where you say yes, even if it is just to make me feel good--ha ha) Thanks.

So what sprung this on? Well, today the sun finally decided to come out and say hello so my Dad and I went for a ride up to Midway and Heber for lunch. I don't know what it is about that Spyder but every time I'm on it, I get some REALLY good thinking done. Ha ha. So I reevaluated at came up with some NEW goals, that I can see the reward for in the end. I thought that instead of writing them down on a little piece of paper, that it would probably be best if I wrote them up here so that everyone could see them, and help me to stay on track. So hear are my NEW goals for 2011

Goal #1: Continue going to the temple once a week, and if time for it, attend twice.
(The reward for that is simple, ha ha. I've already seen the blessings it brings from starting this goal last summer... this is one of those life time goals that will never go away. :))

Goal #2: Don't drink soda pop for one whole year from today. Yes, that means you Mr. Diet Coke.
(The Reward: I heard somewhere that you could weigh 25 pounds less a year by just not drinking soda)

Goal #3: Exercise daily.
(The Reward: Getting to my goal weight, getting more fit, and becoming healthier)

Goal #4: To be able to run a mile without any trouble from my asthma
(The reward: I've never been a runner, no have I been able to run. I've ALWAYS wanted to be a runner, but my asthma has been my draw back. While in Idaho I started running on the treadmill and elliptical and realized that the more frequently I did that, the less I had to use my inhaler. So, I'm going to try to control my asthma)

Goal #5: To be able to run at least two but most likely more than that, 5K's by this time next year.
(The Reward: I'll become a RUNNER! :))

Goal #6: Keep my bedroom and bathroom CLEAN!
(The reward: It's so much nicer to life in a clean environment, and it's easier to welcome the spirit into a clean room. :))

Goal #7: Cook dinner for my parents and I at LEAST once a month.
(The reward: I'll become a better cook, and be able to provide for myself and my future family without giving us food poisoning--ha ha)

Goal #8: Not miss one day without reading at least one scripture out of the Book of Mormon. I want to read it twice by this time next year, so once before Christmas, and another before next June.
(The reward: Simple again, :))

Goal #9: Get better at writing in my journal by writing in it at least every other day.
(The reward: I'll be able to remember fun things that happened, and be able to share my history with my future family)

This next goal was inspired today on the bike ride. I thought we were just going to go home after going to Midway, but when my dad passed our house, I just thought he needed to run a quick errand or something. But then my Dad pulled into the stake center and turned the bike off. I figured that he must of had something that he needed to drop off for meetings that night, until he said, "Okay, your turn to drive!". I was shocked and a bit scared, but after a few seconds, I moved forward and my Dad got behind me and next thing I knew, I was driving the motorcycle! I thought that I'd ride it around the building a couple of times and then we'd switch again and he'd take me home..... nope! I got to drive it home.

So, the last and final goal,

Goal #10: Get my motorcycle licence by the end of the year!
(The Reward: My dad won't have to drive the bike all the time and he'll get to enjoy the ride and not have to worry about driving it. I'll also be able to go on bike rides with my brothers, dad, and sister when she gets her licence. So more family time. And last but not least, it'll just be fun to be able to ride a motorcycle and SAY that I have a motorcycle licence! Ha ha, bet you never thought you'd see me riding one in your life huh? :))

That is it for now, but they all really aren't that hard, and they're all pretty simple to maintain once getting into the habit. Anyway, I will be achieving these goals until a year from tomorrow. I will keep you guys updated every once in a while and I will think of prizes for YOU guys if I don't follow through, like if I slacked one one of these goals during the week, the first person that comments on the post will receive some money from me. That way I will stay motivated because we all know how much it stinks to loose money like that. Ha ha.,

So if you find yourself in my position, and you want to reevaluate, I think you should join me and start your NEW "New Years Resolutions" now.

My theme for this year will remain the same though,

"2011, Closer to Heaven"

Happy reevaluating!!!...........................and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade! :)

1 comment:

  1. You're so good at blogging that I have an idea for you... I have a friend that uses one of those photobook sites to print off all her blogs from the year. Then she has a published, hard-book version of your "journal" (with more personal things in your real journal of course!)

    Since you're so good with your blog, maybe that's something you could do!

    Good luck :)
