Sunday, February 13, 2011
#12 Hot Chocolate
Saturday, February 12, 2011
#11 Justin Beiber
Thursday, February 10, 2011
#10 A good Shopping Day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
#9 Pictures
I love Pictures. I especially love Kodak moment pictures. The ones that you don't know where being taken until you're searching through your camera one day and find them! I love being able to look back and smile at all the memories and being able to see them not just in my head, but right in front of me. :) It also makes things easier to remember. If I could, every wall in my room would be COVERED in pictures! But that's why they invented digital cameras. :) I'm not the greatest at picture taking, but within the last couple months, I've been addicted to taking pictures! I'm not a great journal writer, but if I take a picture, it's just like writing in my journal, only through a captured moment! :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
#8 the Temple!

This is the Draper Utah temple, My FAVORITE temple! :) One of the reasons why I love it is because just as you can see in this picture, when you look at the temple from the front view, it's so high up on the mountain, the temple is the only thing you see. There's nothing else around it. it's as if the world doesn't exist and you're up in the clouds in Heavenly Fathers house. :) But that's just ONE of the many reasons why I love this temple. :)
Monday, February 7, 2011
#7 Long Hot Showers on a cold winter day!

Sunday, February 6, 2011
#6 Fast Sunday

but today I just couldn't help but get up! And yes, my face still looked EXACTLY like that. But still, it was a fabulous testimony meeting today! :)
#5 Nickelcity

...... and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade! :)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I have always loved kids. I became an aunt when I was 16 months old, and ever since then, I have just had this LOVE for kids! I Just started my new job as a nanny and I absolutely love it! I babysit 4 girls and they are the cutest little things ever! It was so fun to be able to play house, barbies, play dough, and Lego's! I was surprised at how quickly the girls got attached to me! There is a 1 year old, 4 year old, 6 year old, and 8 year old. With the crazy week I had, it totally made my week to just cuddle up with the two littlest ones and watch "Barney". There is something about a little one cuddling into you when their ready to take a nap, or a preschooler tired from school wanting to just lay down and have you scratch their back. It's making me so excited to one day have my own family! Which won't be for a LONG time, but hey! That's why I'm a nanny! ;)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
#3 Gerbera Daisies!
Last night Jacob's parents brought over somethings Jacob left me, and his mom gave me a beautiful arrangement of some purple flowers and a HUGE YELLOW gerbera daisy! :) It made my night and I absolutely love it! :) Thank you Wendy! :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
My Best Friend :)
February 1 and 2, 2011:
Well, I was going to save this post for a later date, but as I was thinking about what I loved on February 1st and my only answer was my Best Friend! As I mentioned I planned on starting this exactly on February 1st but life is full of unexpected things. Ha ha. I'm not going to tell you exactly what that unexpected event was until the end, but just for those that are impatient like myself, know that your question will be answered!
About 2 and a half years ago, I was a junior at Orem High School. I am very into drama, and our school was putting on the musical, "The Fantastiks". None of my friends wanted to go with me, and I was so excited to see it that I attended by myself. Well the show started with all the characters being introduced and I was thoroughly enjoying the entertainment and then the character "Matt" sang.... and I swore I had NEVER heard any male sing that beautifully in my entire LIFE! Then at that moment I had the strangest feeling that he and I needed to be friends. I ignored that feeling because he was a senior and I was just a timid shy junior girl, I didn't think we would ever be friends!
Well the next day I went to school and was walking into my choir class and realized that HE WAS IN CHAMBER! That wasn't even the best part! HE SAT RIGHT BEHIND ME! The whole entire class I wanted to turn around and tell him that he did wonderful in the play but once again, fear got a hold of me and I went the whole class with out saying a word. I did however get to sit there and listen to his voice for the 90 minutes we were in there. Ha ha ha. (Stalker-ish, I know) I went home and told my mom about what had happened at told her that we HAD to go see the show again after all, it was (extended) closing night.We went and my mom was in the same awe that I was! (Seriously, he has an AMAZING voice!) At the end of the show my mom told me that I needed to become friends with him and I just laughed it off but knew it was true.
The next day is when it all started. We were in A Capella (yes we were in two choirs, ha) and he was sitting across the room from me. There was this little voice in my head screaming, "JUST GO OVER THERE!!!!". I couldn't feel my feet I was so nervous! All the sudden the bell rang for class to end. The next thing I did surprised me and I have no idea how in the world it happened! Next thing I know, I'm walking towards him and TALKING TO HIM! I said, quote, "You were amazing in Fantastik's last night! I seriously can not tell you how great you were!(WHAT WAS I DOING! He just looked at me and thanked me politely, but when the next 8 words came out of my mouth, I knew I must have gone insane.) I just need to give you a hug." I then proceeded to give him a hug and strangely he excepted. I walked away hitting myself for being so dumb and went home feeling like a complete idiot.
Little did I know that that little tiny conversation would lead to my best friend in the whole entire world. It was soon after that that we began to have lunch together every day. We were texting each other and helping each other get through our daily trials and we were always there for each other! Little did I know that the little voice saying “Just go over there!” would change my life for the better.

We went to the Sadie Hawkins Dance together :)

This was our last picture before he left :)
This is us during Thanksgiving break :) We were SO HAPPY :) :)

This was our last picture together before he was set a part :)
And just like that! He's OUT! :) I'd be lying if I said last night wasn't hard. I couldn't talk to people in drive through at work because getting the strength to open up my mouth to talk just made me want to cry so I worked in the back. Every time my mom or anyone would ask a question, I'd start to cry and couldn't answer because I was crying so hard. I was WRECK! I had my dad give me a blessing and the second he laid his hand on my head, I stopped. I felt comforted, and I knew everything was okay! Now I don't want to make it sound like I was sad he was gone, because I'm not! I think it was just the shock of how everything happened so fast! I am SO SO SO SO SO PROUD OF HIM! When this happens to missionaries, 90 percent of them don't go back out. HE BEAT THE ODDS AND HE IS OUT THERE SERVING THE LORD! He went through so much in the last 7 months and it was not easy! It was actually really hard, BUT HE CONQUERED IT! HE DID IT ALL! HE IS AMAZING!
This morning I received a text from him mom wondering if I would accept a phone call from him before he left. I said yes of course. I will cherish that 30 minute phone call for ever. Yesterday flew by so fast, but yet it had felt like so much happened. It was nice to talk on the phone for that one last final goodbye. His plane left at 2:00pm today, and should be landing in a few minutes here. Today's been easier than last night, but there will still be little things that I see or hear that remind me of him and I'll start to cry out of happiness and sadness. I can be just sitting there doing nothing completely content and then it hits me and I start to cry. It's bittersweet and I'm on the verge of tears at every moment,but I really am fine! I'm so happy!
He is my hero! I don't think I could EVER do what he did. I really can't even describe how happy and proud I am for him! He did a miraculous thing and he's back out there! He'll return June 2012 and be able to serve all of the 24 months any other missionary would serve. Except he's going to be an even BETTER missionary! :)
I'm sorry it ended up being so long. I think I needed this just for myself as a healing process. But I really am SO SO SO SO PROUD OF HIM! I know the days will come with more tears but he'll be back before we know it! I think it is just SO cool that he is back out there! If any of you would like to write him, just let me know and I will get you his address. He's going to need support just like any other missionary!
His Mom sent me this picture of him at the airport getting ready to go through security :) If you look closely, he's wearing a tie that I gave him the last time he was serving as part of his Christmas present. He claim's it's his favorite tie, and it brings him luck. :)
I won't go into detail, but for those curious souls, there has always been this chemistry between Jacob and I, and with being as close as we'v always been, and knowing so much about each other, he did leave with the both of us sharing feelings for each other. The both of us have never been happier and would love to pursue it when he gets home. And as we both have learned in the last 7 months, it's not our plan, it's the Lords, but lets just say, we both are THRILLED with the out come, and completely happy, and if it just so happens to turn out that way, it will be the greatest story ever told. :)