But that's not where it ends. On the way home, I was thinking about this crimper/three barrel/curling iron I've been wanting ever since I've been home from Rexburg that I could not find ANYWHERE! I felt like just trying Shopko, I mean, why not! I was already out and buying things! Well... once again... I was NOT disappointed! Not only did I find one, I found one that was $10.00 off! :) WOOHOO!! :) SUCH a great shopping day! :) AND it got me in the best mood so when I came home and found that there was no letter in the mailbox, I was fine! Hahahaha :) Also, I came up to blog and thought I'd pull up itunes to listen to some music while I blogged about this joyous experience! Then, to my surprise, found out that Colbie Caillat came out with a new single today and it's INCREDIBLE! It's another one of those happy, upbeat, love your life, Colbie Caillat songs. It's called "I Do." I HIGHLY recommend it! It'll turn a sad day into an amazing happy one! And who doesn't want to live life happily!? :)

But so for today, the TENTH day of this challenge, and still going strong,
a GOOD shopping day! :)
........ and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade! :)
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