Monday, August 1, 2011

Day one... {1}

Upload a picture of yourself with 23 facts about you!

Okay this may be harder than I thought, ha ha.

1. I love the theater
2. I did ballroom dance for 12 years
3. I was an aunt at 17 months old and now have 5 nephews and 4 nieces
4. My next to youngest sibling is 12 years older than me.
5. I'm obsessed with cereal
6. The Special K diet was the only diet that's worked for me thus far.
7. My best friend is on a mission in Minnesota but as of today is currently serving in Canada
(that's part of his mission, it's pretty huge mission)
8. I've been the only kid at home for 8 years now.
9. I quit piano lessons at 12 as a birthday present.
10. I only read Junie B Jones until the 8th grade. Ha ha.
11. I LOVE my jobs, nannying and interning.
12. I'm not quite sure I want to be done with school yet.
13. I have watched Justin Bieber's Never Say Never movie 12 times now.
14. I love to sew.
15.I love to laugh and smile all the time and it's not very hard to get me to do either.
16. I'm a member of the LDS faith. :)
17. I got my young women's recognition award as a beehive.
(with the bribery of a cell phone when I finished)
18. I love the temple. 
19. I day dream for about... 87% of the day
20. I hate carrying purses.
21. I'm obsessed with wedding TV shows and magazines.
NO this does not mean anything ha ha.
22. I love going on rides on my dad's spyder.
23. I love music.

..................................and THAT'S a sip of Livi's Lemonade!
(Did anyone else think 23 was a random number? ha ha. Ah, well.)

1 comment:

  1. ah! i'm so excited to follow you through it! :) i'm excited to learn new things about you! p.s. we need to play again!
